Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Common Diseases And Their Herbal Remedies V

41. Nettle Rash: Ask for “egbo ipeta, egbo isirigun, egbo inabiri, iruworo”, potash and salt. Pound together and take with your pap little by little.
42. Stomach Pain: Cut 2 leaves of Aloe Vera into pieces, put in a litre of water for some hours then take a shot 3 ties daily.
43. Hernia: Sweet basil scent leaf, squeeze inside a pot called “ikoko oru” put “obu otoyo” and keep for 3 days. Take a tumbler before breakfast once a day.
44. Pimples, Eczema and Ringworm: Sulphur, broken bottle, gun powder (etu). Prepare together with palm kernel oil and apply often and often.
45. Scabies, Rashes and Other Skin Diseases: Get local black soap, lime juice, potash. Mix together and apply continuously.
446. Breaking Hair: Mix honey with olive oil, the same quantity, warm it and treat your hair with it. After 15 minutes, wash it with warm water.
447. Diabetics: Get bitter leaf and scent leaf, garlic, lime juice and potash squeeze together and put little potash. Dosage – 1 glass 3 times daily.
448. Diabetics: A gallon of coconut juice, a tomato tin of bitter seed called “Abere” grind very well without shaft, sieve and put inside the coconut juice. Take little by little, 1 shot 3 times daily.
449. Pile: Bitter leaf, scent leaf, squeeze and prepare with lime juice, take a shot twice a day.
550. Pile: (i).Garlic, bitter leaf, scent leaf, squeeze together and take. (ii)get unripe plantain roast to form powder put powder in your pap and take.

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